February 2003
Update February 2011
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Cartoons and various critical drawings

ARCHIVES: drawings prior to 2004

Here is a selection of disparate drawings made before 2004, using various techniques: ink, pen, pencil, paint, computer... About violence, consumerism, current events, war, animals ...

Last picture (26 March 2011) :
2001 - Ink, Reality Show


2001 - Ink, Reality Show 2001 - Ink drawing, So many brains available 2002 - Black drawing, Sliced Beef 2002 - Black drawing, Sliced Human 2000 - Drawing on computer, To be a man 2000 - Ink Drawing, Sandwich man 2000 - Ink, Quartered 2000 - Drawing on computer, Olympic Games for Clones 1999 - Ink, Human animal meals 2001 - Ink, Pig in a cage 2001 - Ink, Dog Leash 2001 - Pencil drawing, Collective Monster 2003 - Pencil drawing, A soldier wants peace 2003 - Drawing pen, Ostrich 1995 - Black and white drawing, freedom of expression 1993 - Black and white drawing, Doublespeak 1993 - Black and white drawing, It's going to do you? 1993 - Black and white drawing, The cake of happiness 1995 - Black and white drawing, The march of history 1995 - Ink, Flood 1993 - Ink, Ethnic cleansing 1993 - Ink, The strong man angel 1993 - Ink, Bread and games 1993 - Ink, Ethnic cleansing 1993 - Ink, Steal Eagle 1996 - Ink, Humanité 1996 - Felt pen, Rich thanks to the less fortunate 1995 - Ink drawing, Cycle Cart 1998 - Ink drawing, Rabbit kitchen 1995 - Ink drawing, Mask

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