March 2018
Update March 2018
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Film Midnight Blue: voice-over of lyrics

Poem & film by David Myriam

2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Sand drawing film {JPEG}
Deep in the blue of the night
I stare at this suspended world
Between two worlds
I listen to the slightest sound
The slightest drop
2012 :: Sand drawing film "Midnight Blue" :: David Myriam {JPEG}
When glass prisons
Carry away our brothers
Helpless and naked
Up above
Toward the unknown sky
I add my tears
To the large salt bath
2013 :: Sand drawing film "Midnight Blue" :: David Myriam {JPEG}
Up above, in the dry air
I hear silent agonies
I imagine strange rituals
I feel deaf machines
Huge and fragile
Weighed down with new threats
2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Tsunami & Nuclear disaster {JPEG}2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Tsunami & Nuclear disaster {JPEG}
I breath, I breath in vain
The waves come in series
They strike out
Crack walls
Scatter their insides
And even hell burns up underwater
2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Tsunami & Nuclear disaster
And yet,
And yet everything continues unabated
Concrete overtakes the water
Fumes drown out the sun
Crowds gather along the shores
Spread out and brimming with mirages
Steel citadels swim over our heads
Like ticking time bombs
between two floods,
The fog is my shelter
I disappear into its folds
The world is reborn in soft waves
As the sky and sea merge
2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Sand drawing film
Here they settle in the heart of our lives
With their floating factories
They pierce deep into the night
To inject their explosion drugs
Trying too hard to conquer the moon
Ghosts are deaf to our cries
But the fire rises up to their throats
Burning their insatiable palaces
Darkening sky and space
2013 :: Midnight Blue :: Oil slick {JPEG}
The ash flies and sinks
Our depths turn into dead dunes
and lagoons become common graves
Everywhere he must flee,
He must escape the sticky sludge
Poisons and cages
Even avoiding the tides
Where all of the sewer surges back
Lost in their element
Our bodies are washed up in masses
Burnt by the setting sun
The sea sinks
And the depths freeze over
The depths roar in anger
The wind moans and writhes
Salt clings and eats away
Yet the creature is still at the helm
Set in the wrong direction
Straight to the edge of the world
2012 :: Midnight Blue :: Sand drawing film {JPEG}
Eyes too often closed
And the pack gets reduced
To sail further on
Perhaps to float with the stars?
Or to be reborn in other waters?
I then dive once again
Away from machine and fuel vapors
At the bottom of a vast ocean
There is still space
For the birth of other currents

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David Myriam :: Artist

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