- Duration: 06’43’’ :: Full HD
- A frame by frame film by David Myriam
- Production 2010: Cellofan’ Productions & Gorgone Productions
- 2008 :: Sand animation film "Rezign"
- This short film is finished and available from Cellofan’ Productions.
– Festivals and screenings
- Animation Film Festival of Paris, Croq’Anime, September 8th, 2012
- Shorts films projection at Fresnoy, Tourcoing, April 17, 2012, with CRRAV
- Projection in Paris with Collectif Prod
- With live music: Clap’n’Sound, March 2th, 2012, Pierre de Roubaix theater, Lille, France
- Cortoons Festival 2012: Italy
- Festival des nuits méditerranéennes 2010: Corte, Corsica